Thursday, June 19, 2014

Knowing is Half the Battle

When you decide you want to work at home, you also taking on a whole new world of its outlook, perseverance, and patience. Everyday, I am learning to become stronger at these specific attributes because I have realized that my outlook, perseverance, and patience changed to be at the level of the needs of the business. Here, I will explain some examples and signs of some of the trials many of you have or will face.

As you are growing with your home business (or any business for that matter), coming from a typical job like I was, you will notice your outlook will begin to change. Here's a perfect example. Let's say you are a server at On the Border. You know that if you are in section one on a Friday night and you are the closer, you know you are going to walk with a bill no question. This is your outlook for your shift that night. On the contrary, with my home business, I see when I get emails of people saying they have opted in. This information informs me that people are interested in what is possible working at home. It does not confirm anything. There is more of a “GREY AREA,” when it comes to working at home. Just know this is part of the successful process. You must continue to plug away, stay focused, and persevere because the goal is within your reach!

The attribute, perseverance, is absolutely necessary to be extremely successful in this business. No one is going to wake you up and tell you to get to work. Even so, you do not have a specific time to clock in or clock out...there is just no such thing. It is easy to just give up and return back to McDonald's as a manager where you know you were comfortable with making ten dollars per hour. It is challenging to stay with your dream of becoming financially free, never having to be an employee, or being apart of successfully seeing the fruits of your labor. This is true only because between the beginning and the end where you do reach success, you are going to have obstacles that you will deal with. Are there times where you wonder if it were all worth it? Yes! It's to wonder, we all have, including Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey....shall I keep going? Again, it's all part of the successful process. Being patient is key!

Having patience in your business will really send you farther because if you don't have patience, you won't be in business long. You just won't. You have to understand that the clients you work with have lives and are very busy.They want the chance to break free and they will. The key to them breaking through, is you, always patiently being there!!!

Whether you are new to this business or you are a veteran, understand that it is NORMAL. It is actually a good sign to see these things happen, because it shows you that you are CHANGING your mindset. Please understand this is one of the most powerful training processes and most essential your success. It only makes sense because we are all taught and trained since we were young that we are to to go college, get a job and work a 9am to 5pm career. I am not knocking those people, but if you are wanting to become entrepreneur, you have to think less tactical and more strategical. Now that you know, knowing is half the battle.

 I want to personally help people leave his or her hourly jobs and turn them in to successful entrepreneurs. Let's start the process today together!! 

 -Alex Uvere

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